


Grape Piedirosso
Origin Sannio Beneventano – Campania
Hectares 5
Altitude 120-400 metres ASL
Yield per hectare 50 quintals
Vine training system Guyot
Planting density 4.000 vines per hectare
Average age of vines 10 years
Harvest time Second half of October to early November
Vinification technique Grapes harvested by hand and processed with automatic and manual sorting tables. Maceration with the skins lasts for about 14 days with frequent remontage (pump-overs).
Fermentation In steel at 24-26°C
Malolactic ferm. In barriques
Ageing In new French wood for a period of 6-8 months, fur- ther maturation period in steel tanks
Bottling In spring, 2 years after the harvest.


Brilliant colour with garnet tones on the rim that dark- ens in the middle of the glass to a lively ruby. On the nose, small red berries intertwine with spicy notes of sage and are complemented by an intense floral bou- quet of violets. The sip expresses a pulpy juice that combines the freshness of pomegranate with the in- tensity of black cherry.

Excellent with first courses, including vegetable-based ones, and with delicate meat dishes and blue cheeses.

The wines of the Cru del Sannio line are produced from vineyards on the first hillside, in a landscape of alluvi- al terraces and gentle slopes on marl. This dual genesis means that this terroir is home to a complex mosaic of soils: the sandy-gravel soils of the terraces, deep and dry; young but already organised, hospitable, docile soils, easily rooted. Then there are the ancient “black soils” of the marly hills, more developed, tenacious soils, dark with humus on the surface, well-structured thanks to the heritage of the ancient woods that covered them and the centuries-old work of the vine-growers. Below the working depth, there is a chromatic contrast be- tween the deep horizon, white due to the accumulation of carbonates, and the silt-clay substrate, finely inlaid with ochre and grey. The Cru del Sannio line thus comes from a very particular terroir, in terms of morphology and soils. It is a complex cru, a “cooperative” terroir, where the constant excellence of the wines clearly de- rives from the winegrowers’ ability to master and har- monise, vintage by vintage, the behaviour of the vine- yards on the different soils, slopes, and exposures.